About the Project
GeoTribe has identified a greenhouse project in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, which currently plays a pivotal role in supporting food sovereignty for the Osage Nation. Moreover, this region holds the potential to achieve energy independence through the development of geothermal wells. GeoTribe envisions a future where geothermal solutions empower the community in Pawhuska

About the Area
Our team has found three nearby oil and gas wells close to the Harvestland greenhouse. Repurposing these wells offers cost-effectiveness potential but also presents unique challenges. These wells, dating back to the 1900s, may pose well integrity issues due to their age and may require refurbishment and reinforcement to meet modern geothermal standards
In response, the team contemplate considering the construction of entirely new geothermal wells. This proactive approach ensures robust wellbore integrity and provides precise control over drilling depth for optimal temperature utilization.
What's more, these pre-existing wells have supplied invaluable input data, facilitating the creation of 3D subsurface models. This aids us in strategically placing new wells to guarantee energy independence for over 20 years, supporting our greenhouse expansion initiatives and advancing sustainability in Pawhuska.

End-User: The HarvestLand

"....Osage Nation's Harvest Land is a working farm located in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Osage Nation experienced a breakdown in food systems. When the Osage Nation received CARES Act funds, it became apparent that there was a significant need to build the infrastructure to increase the capacity of food production. In light of this, the Harvest Land contains a 40,000 square foot greenhouse and a 44,000 square foot program building. The program building contains a large aquaponics system, a food processing area, and a water lab. Also located on the farm is an orchard that contains fruit and nut trees. The farm is a significant development in tribal food sovereignty efforts by providing locally grown produce year-round to the Osage people....."
Project Information
Our GeoTribe Team conducted comprehensive feasibility studies, including...
- Identification and Study of the Area
- Stakeholde Analysis
Geothermal Resource Assessment
Usage Assessment
Preliminary Economic Analysis
- Engineering and System Design
Community Connection
The team has identified a spectrum of relevant stakeholders in the project area, including tribal government agencies, Harvestland as the end user, and local industries with an interest in contributing to the development of geothermal initiatives within the Osage Nation. Establishing collaborative partnerships with these stakeholders to assess the potential of geothermal energy in the area will be beneficial in understanding how geothermal energy can meet their specific energy demands. we hope this assessment extends beyond the greenhouse project and encompasses the expansion of these initiatives to other interested locations within the community
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